SQLAlchemy Extensions, Plug-ins and Related Libraries

SQLAlchemy is a Python library for interacting with databases either through SQL or with an object-relational mapper (ORM).

SQLAlchemy logo.

The following projects augment SQLAlchemy's capabilities by providing functionality not included with the library itself. For example, the Alembic project makes it easier to perform database schema migrations, which is frequently needed as applications evolve and need to store additional data.


Alembic (project documentation and PyPI information) is a data migrations tool used with SQLAlchemy to make database schema changes. The Alembic project is open sourced under the MIT license.

Amazon Redshift SQLAlchemy Dialect

Amazon Redshift SQLAlchemy Dialect is a SQLAlchemy Dialect that can communicate with the AWS Redshift data store. The SQL is essentially PostgreSQL and requires psycopg2 to properly operate. This project and its code are open sourced under the MIT license.


flask-base (project documentation) provides boilerplate code for new Flask web apps. The purpose of the boilerplate is to stitch together disparate libraries that are commonly used in Flask projects, such as Redis for fast caching and transient data storage, SendGrid for transactional email, SQLAlchemy for persistent data storage through a relational database back end, Flask-WTF for form handling, and many others.

flask-base is provided as open source under the MIT license.


flask-sqlalchemy (project documentation and PyPI information) is a Flask extension that makes it easier to use SQLAlchemy when building Flask apps. flask-sqlalchemy provides helper functions that reduce the amount of common boilerplate code that you have to frequently write yourself if you did not use this library when combining Flask with SQLAlchemy.

flask-sqlalchemy is provided as open source under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License.


GeoAlchemy2 (project documentation and PyPI package information) extends SQLAlchemy with new data types for working with geospatial databases, particularly PostGIS, which is a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL. The project is provided as open source under the MIT license.


GINO (project documentation and PyPI package information) is an object-relational mapper (ORM) built on SQLAlchemy that is non-blocking and therefore designed to work properly with asynchronously-run code, for example, an application written with asyncio.

GINO is open sourced under the BSD License.


graphene-sqlalchemy (project documentation and PyPI package information) is a SQLAlchemy integration for Graphene, which makes it easier to build GraphQL-based APIs into Python web applications. The package allows you to subclass SQLAlchemy classes and build queries around them with custom code to match the backend queries with the GraphQL-based request queries. The project is provided as open source under the MIT license.


marshmallow-sqlalchemy (project documentation and PyPI package information) is a code library that makes it easier to use SQLAlchemy with the Marshmallow data serialization tool.

The marshmallow-sqlalchemy project is provided as open source under the MIT license.


PyHive (PyPI package information) is a set of DB-API and SQLAlchemy interfaces that make it easier to use Presto and Apache Hive with Python. Dropbox's engineering team created this code library, open sourced it and put it out under the Apache 2.0 license.


sqlacodegen (PyPI package information) is a tool for reading from an existing relational database to generate code to create SQLAlchemy models based on that database. The project is primarily written and maintained by Alex Grönholm (agronholm) and it is open sourced under the MIT license.


sqlalchemy-clickhouse is a SQLAlchemy Dialect for communicating with the open source ClickHouse database management system. ClickHouse is column-oriented and therefore better for some use cases and worse for others compared to a traditional relational database.

The code for this project is open sourced under the MIT license while ClickHouse is provided as open source under the Apache License 2.0.


sqlalchemy-datatables (PyPI package information) is a helper library that makes it easier to use SQLAlchemy with the jQuery JavaScript DataTables plugin. This library is designed to be web framework agnostic and provides code examples for both Flask and Pyramid.

The project is built and maintained by Michel Nemnom (Pegase745) and is open sourced under the MIT license.

SQLAlchemy filters

SQLAlchemy filters provides filtering, sorting and pagination for SQLAlchemy query objects, which is particularly useful when building web APIs. SQLAlchemy filters is open sourced under the Apache License version 2.0.

SQLAlchemy Mixins

SQLAlchemy Mixins (PyPI package information) is a collection of mixins useful for extending SQLAlchemy and simplifying your database-interacting code for some common use cases. SQLAlchemy Mixins is open sourced under the MIT license.


sqlalchemy-utils (project documentation and PyPI package information) is a code library with various helper functions and new data types that make it easier to use SQLAlchemy when building projects that involve more specific storage requirements such as currency. The wide array of data types includes ranged values and aggregated attributes.


SQLAthanor (PyPI package information and project documentation) is a SQLAlchemy extension that provides serialization and deserialization support for JSON, CSV, YAML and Python dictionaries. This project is similar to Marshmallow with one major difference: SQLAthanor works through SQLAlchemy models while Marshmallow is less coupled to SQLAlchemy because it requires separate representations of the serialization objects. Both libraries have their uses depending on whether the project plans to use SQLAlchemy for object representations or would prefer to avoid that couping. SQLAthanor is open sourced under the MIT license.


wtforms-alchemy (documentation and PyPI package information) is a WTForms extension toolkit for easier creation of SQLAlchemy model based forms. While this project primarily focuses on proper form handling, it also has many good examples of how to use various parts of SQLAlchemy in its code base. The project is provided as open source under the MIT license.

1. Introduction 2. Development Environments 3. Data 4. Web Development 5. Deployment 6. DevOps Changelog What Full Stack Means About the Author Future Directions Page Statuses SQLAlchemy ExtensionsSQLAlchemy Example CodeSQLAlchemy Modelssqlalchemy.databases mysqlsqlalchemy.dialects mssqlsqlalchemy.dialects mysqlsqlalchemy.dialects oraclesqlalchemy.schema DDLsqlalchemy.dialects postgresqlsqlalchemy.sql.expression Functionsqlalchemy.dialects sqlitesqlalchemy.dialects.mysql pymysqlsqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql ARRAYsqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql BIGINTsqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql BITsqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql DOUBLE_PRECISIONsqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql ExcludeConstraintsqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql INTEGERsqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql JSONsqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql TSVECTORsqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql pypostgresqlsqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.base PGCompilersqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.base PGIdentifierPreparersqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.base PGTypeCompilersqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.psycopg2 PGDialect_psycopg2sqlalchemy.dialects.sqlite pysqlitesqlalchemy.engine Connectionsqlalchemy.engine Enginesqlalchemy.engine create_enginesqlalchemy.engine defaultsqlalchemy.engine urlsqlalchemy.engine.default DefaultDialectsqlalchemy.engine.interfaces ExecutionContextsqlalchemy.engine.result ResultMetaDatasqlalchemy.engine.result RowProxysqlalchemy.engine.strategies EngineStrategysqlalchemy.engine.strategies MockEngineStrategysqlalchemy.engine.url make_urlsqlalchemy.events SchemaEventTargetsqlalchemy.exc ArgumentErrorsqlalchemy.exc DataErrorsqlalchemy.exc DatabaseErrorsqlalchemy.exc IntegrityErrorsqlalchemy.exc InvalidRequestErrorsqlalchemy.exc NoInspectionAvailablesqlalchemy.exc NoSuchTableErrorsqlalchemy.exc OperationalErrorsqlalchemy.exc ProgrammingErrorsqlalchemy.exc UnsupportedCompilationErrorsqlalchemy.ext compilersqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy AssociationProxysqlalchemy.ext.automap automap_basesqlalchemy.ext.compiler compilessqlalchemy.ext.declarative DeclarativeMetasqlalchemy.ext.declarative declarative_basesqlalchemy.ext.hybrid hybrid_methodsqlalchemy.ext.hybrid hybrid_propertysqlalchemy.ext.mutable Mutablesqlalchemy.inspection inspectsqlalchemy.orm ColumnPropertysqlalchemy.orm CompositePropertysqlalchemy.orm Loadsqlalchemy.orm Querysqlalchemy.orm RelationshipPropertysqlalchemy.orm SynonymPropertysqlalchemy.orm aliasedsqlalchemy.orm attributessqlalchemy.orm backrefsqlalchemy.orm class_mappersqlalchemy.orm column_propertysqlalchemy.orm compositesqlalchemy.orm interfacessqlalchemy.orm mappersqlalchemy.orm mapperlibsqlalchemy.orm object_mappersqlalchemy.orm object_sessionsqlalchemy.orm relationshipsqlalchemy.orm sessionsqlalchemy.orm sessionmakersqlalchemy.orm strategiessqlalchemy.orm.attributes InstrumentedAttributesqlalchemy.orm.attributes QueryableAttributesqlalchemy.orm.attributes flag_modifiedsqlalchemy.orm.collections InstrumentedListsqlalchemy.orm.exc NoResultFoundsqlalchemy.orm.exc UnmappedClassErrorsqlalchemy.orm.exc UnmappedInstanceErrorsqlalchemy.orm.interfaces MapperPropertysqlalchemy.orm.interfaces PropComparatorsqlalchemy.orm.mapper Mappersqlalchemy.orm.properties ColumnPropertysqlalchemy.orm.properties RelationshipPropertysqlalchemy.orm.query Querysqlalchemy.orm.query QueryContextsqlalchemy.orm.relationships RelationshipPropertysqlalchemy.orm.session Sessionsqlalchemy.orm.session object_sessionsqlalchemy.orm.util AliasedClasssqlalchemy.orm.util AliasedInspsqlalchemy.orm.util identity_keysqlalchemy.pool NullPoolsqlalchemy.pool StaticPoolsqlalchemy.schema CheckConstraintsqlalchemy.schema Columnsqlalchemy.schema CreateIndexsqlalchemy.schema CreateTablesqlalchemy.schema DDLElementsqlalchemy.schema ForeignKeysqlalchemy.schema ForeignKeyConstraintsqlalchemy.schema Indexsqlalchemy.schema PrimaryKeyConstraintsqlalchemy.schema Tablesqlalchemy.sql ClauseElementsqlalchemy.sql columnsqlalchemy.sql expressionsqlalchemy.sql extractsqlalchemy.sql functionssqlalchemy.sql operatorssqlalchemy.sql schemasqlalchemy.sql selectsqlalchemy.sql sqltypessqlalchemy.sql tablesqlalchemy.sql.compiler SQLCompilersqlalchemy.sql.elements ColumnElementsqlalchemy.sql.elements Labelsqlalchemy.sql.expression ClauseElementsqlalchemy.sql.expression ColumnClausesqlalchemy.sql.expression ColumnElementsqlalchemy.sql.expression Executablesqlalchemy.sql.expression FunctionElementsqlalchemy.sql.expression UnaryExpressionsqlalchemy.sql.functions FunctionElementsqlalchemy.sql.functions GenericFunctionsqlalchemy.sql.naming convsqlalchemy.sql.schema Columnsqlalchemy.sql.schema SchemaItemsqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes NullTypesqlalchemy.sql.util ClauseAdaptersqlalchemy.sql.visitors traversesqlalchemy.types Booleansqlalchemy.types Datesqlalchemy.types DateTimesqlalchemy.types Enumsqlalchemy.types Floatsqlalchemy.types Integersqlalchemy.types Intervalsqlalchemy.types NULLTYPEsqlalchemy.types Stringsqlalchemy.types Textsqlalchemy.types Timesqlalchemy.types TypeEnginesqlalchemy.types UserDefinedTypesqlalchemy.types to_instancesqlalchemy.util OrderedDictsqlalchemy.util OrderedSetsqlalchemy.util set_creation_ordersqlalchemy.util symbolsqlalchemy.util topologicalsqlalchemy.util.langhelpers public_factorysqlalchemy.util.langhelpers symbol ...or view the full table of contents.

Full Stack Python

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Matt Makai 2012-2022