
Pelican is a static site generator implemented in Python that combines Jinja templates with content written in Markdown or reStructuredText to produce websites.

Pelican's source code is available on GitHub under the AGPL 3 license.

Pelican static website generator logo.

Pelican is an implementation of the static site generators concept. Learn how the parts fit together in the web development chapter or view all topics.

Why is Pelican a useful tool?

Static websites are easier to deploy than full web applications built with a web framework that rely on a persistent database backend. In addition, static sites are typically much faster to load because there are no database queries or middleware code to execute during the HTTP request-response cycle.

A web server that hosts a static website simply responds to inbound HTTP requests with the file being requests - no dynamic data is populated on the server during the response.

Pelican resources

Static site generators like Pelican are a simple compared to web frameworks so most tutorials focus on creating simple sites that you can style yourself, as well as deploying to hosting services such as Amazon S3 and GitHub Pages.

What else do you want to learn about Python web dev?

I've built a Python web app, now how do I deploy it?

I want to learn how to code a Python web application using a framework.

What are web application programming interfaces (APIs)?

Matt Makai 2012-2022