
React is a JavaScript web application framework for building rich user interfaces that run in web browsers.

React framework logo.

React is an implementation of the JavaScript frameworks concept. Learn how these pieces fit together in the web development chapter or view the table of contents for all topics.

Beginner React tutorials

Generally before you start working with React you will want to learn how to build your Python backend with a web framework such as Django, Flask or Pyramid. Once you get comfortable with the web development basics with one of those frameworks as well as JavaScript then it will be much easier to tack on React to build your client-side user interfaces.

Python+React tutorials

Other React resources

Do you need to style your app or deploy it?

My app runs but looks awful. How do I style the user interface?

I've built a Python web app, now how do I deploy it?

How should I host and serve static content files?

Matt Makai 2012-2022